Ainur Abdina
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, ainur.abdina@astanait.edu.kz, Astana IT University, Expo, C1 block, 2nd floor, office C1.1.269.
This course is an introduction to the basic theories and concepts in Philosophy including knowledge of history of Philosophy and the theory of Philosophy, basic philosophical doctrines, terms and categories, and Philosophy of Science.
The main goal of the course is the formation of a philosophical worldview and critical, creative thinking in the context of future professional activity of students. The purpose of the discipline is the formation of a systematic understanding of philosophy as a special form of a holistic worldview, the study of the main categories of philosophy, problems and methods.
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, ainur.abdina@astanait.edu.kz, Astana IT University, Expo, C1 block, 2nd floor, office C1.1.269.
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, m.bozzhigitova@astanait.edu.kz, Astana IT University, Expo, C1 block, 2nd floor, office C1.1.269.
PhD, Associate Professor, g.sheryazdanova@astanait.edu.kz, Astana IT University, Expo, C1 block, 2nd floor, office C1.1.269.
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