Darkhan Zholtayev
PhD in robotics, Assistant professor E-mail: darkhan.zholtayev@astanait.edu.kz Astana IT University, Department of Computational and Data Science Expo, C1 block, 3rd floor, office C1.1.332
The course examines the basic machine learning algorithms, various approaches and technologies for data analysis, their qualities, features and impact in various fields of science and technology. As an outcome of mastering the course, students will be able to apply machine learning methods to visualize their data, build graphs, and present the results qualitatively.
The course goal is to acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence in general and in particular in the creating of algorithms capable of learning
Course Objectives:
Probability and statistics, Introduction to Data Analytics
Capstone project, Industrial practice, Undergraduate practice
PhD in robotics, Assistant professor E-mail: darkhan.zholtayev@astanait.edu.kz Astana IT University, Department of Computational and Data Science Expo, C1 block, 3rd floor, office C1.1.332
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