Ibrayeva Daiana
senior-lecturer, Astana IT University, Expo, C3 block, 3rd floor, office C1.3.350;
E-mail: daiana.ibrayeva@astanait.edu.kz
This course introduces students to the essential tools for writing texts for documentary media projects and new technologies for journalists. During the learning process, students should familiarize themselves with and be able to write a text, conduct interviews, present their idea for pitching, and learn how storytelling in documentary media projects can be an invaluable asset in their professional and creative skills. During the course, the student creates a project work or journalistic material for his portfolio.
The skills required to produce a detailed documentary production presentation, including both aesthetic and production goals, will be taught through a combination of lectures, exercises, and individual mentoring sessions. The student will participate in an analysis of their documentary pre-production experience at the conclusion of this class.
Course Objectives:
Digital Arts show, Directing for media Projects
Writing Diploma Work (Project) and Defence
senior-lecturer, Astana IT University, Expo, C3 block, 3rd floor, office C1.3.350;
E-mail: daiana.ibrayeva@astanait.edu.kz
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