Zhassulan Kazbek
Senior-lecturer, MSc, BSc in Mathematics, kazbek.zhasulan@astanait.edu.kz, Astana IT University, Expo, C1.1 block, 3rd floor, office #C1.1.332
This course presents mathematical material necessary for the Computer Science student to approach the study of many advanced topics in Theoretical Computer Science at the graduate level. The course will cover the textbook Concrete Mathematics (A foundation for Computer Science) by R. Graham, D. Knuth, O. Patashnik.
The course includes recursions, sums, integer functions, elementary number theory, binomial coefficients, special numbers, generating functions, discrete probability, asymptotic.
To provide students with mathematical tools for the study of recurrence equations and their applications to relevant to computing and information technology.
Course objectives include:
In the class, we do not explain the course textbook, but teach how to use knowledge you learned through exercises. To maximize the efficiency of the class, be sure to peruse the course textbook.
At the end of the course, the successful students:
Discrete Mathematics or Algorithms and Data structures, or Algorithms.
Advanced programming
Senior-lecturer, MSc, BSc in Mathematics, kazbek.zhasulan@astanait.edu.kz, Astana IT University, Expo, C1.1 block, 3rd floor, office #C1.1.332
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